HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), and VTRPE, (variable terrain radio parabolic equation) are just the latest in frequency experimentation. These Government controlled radio waves can alter biological DNA, Biochemistry, and more. They operate at ELF (Extremely Low Frequencies) levels which happen to be the same level at which animals and humans operate on. Scientific break through (Dr. Patrick Flanagan) in the ELF sciences have used these frequencies to beam sound directly into human brains. Also Dr. Jose Delgado from Yale University, wrote a book called Physical Control of the Mind. In his book he mentions how EFL type frequencies can trigger huge mood swings in human minds. It is possible to induce an array of emotions using these frequencies in combination, ranging from happy to sad. The brain naturally tries to mimic frequencies in the ELF range, if the frequencies are negative, then your body will respond with unexplained stress, tension, and illness. Positive EFL frequencies would have a healing effect on the body. If the wrong people had access to this technology they would have the base for making a real mind control device. It could also be turned into a weapon to control a population, make them more passive, or induce disease and hysteria. Since 2009 I have been battling a host of medical illnesses, and I have come to realize it has a lot to do with the current environment in relation to the Chemtrail spraying and programs like HAARP. In the Chemtrail mix there are also sub-micron materials that have been identified as nano-tech, exotic toxins, and poly fibers that some how assembled with in the human body to form what is now known as Morgellons. I believe the nano-tech part of Chemtrails is activated and controlled through the cell phone (microwave) net work that can switch them on or off. Since around 2006 I have experienced a whole wide range of thoughts and feelings not normal to me. These changes in thoughts and feelings were so subtle that my family nor I knew it was even happening. But, one thing that I can say with out a doubt is that my mind had shifted negatively. My mind had been Hijacked by negative outside thoughts and feelings. So why do I believe this? Three reasons; 1. Chemtrails are being sprayed in the sky almost daily and the HAARP program is still active 2. The technology exist now 3. Congress has passed laws that allow the military to experiment on the general public.
Through the experience from my recovery and experience from helping others a pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors has emerged:
- unexplained fear variable in degree
- unexplained anxiety variable in degree
- unexplained depression variable in degree
- unexplained agitation variable in degree
- lower awareness and IQ
- Memory loss
- obsessive behavior
- loss of Identity variable in degree
- speech difficulty variable in degree
- mental stupor
- Increased egocentrism (self-centered)
- self destructive behavior
- self pity
- need for control
- paranoia (or social anxiety)
- bipolar
- Bach Rescue Remedies (this works on the energetic level)
- Spiritual comfort (love)
- Reiki (energy healing)
- Detox your liver (find out how from other post on my blog)
- Increase vitamins (like natural source of B, and C)
- Take long walks or do a hobby that you enjoy
- Organic juicing (beets, apples, carrots, pineapple)
- Hot Bath with 1 cup of Epson salt and raise your core temperature to 99 degrees Fahrenheit
- Use Adaptogens like Astragalus, Ginseng, Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng), and Suma at low doses for 90 days (check for side effects, check with doctor before taking)
Note; I believe that Chemtrail mix somehow works with HAARP to amplify EFL pulsation in the human body. On certain days I can feel the frequencies pulse and vibrate through my entire body while I lie still, also I can see the frequency pulsation form ripples in the chemical clouds above.
My conclusion... Any person who tries medical or alternative remedies to cure themselves would be, ultimately, a temporary fix. You will need a remedy that can be repeated as necessary. We must clean the air, water, soil and turn off these EFL frequencies if your desire is to return to 100%. Your body can and will adapt if given a chance. I am consistently amazed by each generation born with little to no effects from these environmental stresses we live in today.
Also, we have to realize that we are all on the same planet and we are related through the birth of the universe. We need to shift our own thoughts from fear and hate to helping and loving each other as a whole and not as enemies. Be responsible for your own actions and don't hide under the cover of I didn't know, or every one else is doing it, and I was just following orders.
find more healing information at holisticlivingthatworks.com
"If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it." Genesis 4:7