Saturday, December 21, 2013

Chemtrails and HAARP Hijacking the Mind

Is it possible that Chemtrails and a research program called HAARP can hijack your mind?  First, to answer this question you have to verify that there is such a thing as Chemtrails.  I suggest just take a couple of hours of your day to simply LOOK UP at the sky, watch for jet planes leaving a trail of white smoke that does not dissipate within a few minutes, then continue to watch the white smoke turn into a white cloud of chemicals.  Now after you establish that something is being sprayed, do some research in regard to what that spray is.  After you complete that, we can now talk about what effects these chemicals have on your health.  In the Chemtrail mix are aresolized sub-micron (smaller than human cells) elements.  Some of these elements are biological, and some are synthetic compounds. When Inhaling these sub-micron elements it may be possible to transfer it from your lungs directly to your bloodstream and into your body systems.  The nervous system is what I want to highlight here.  The Brain is the control for all of the other systems in your body, I believe these elements by-passes the blood brain barrier either indirectly or directly.  Certain elements like heavy metals can severely damage the brain and nervous system, lets take aluminum for instance, it attaches to your cell receptors and it has been know to cause Alzheimer disease.  Other heavy metals like Lead, Mercury, and Cadmium destroy important proteins, enzymes, hormones, and cell receptors.  All of these metals have been reported being part of the chemtrail mix, just go to for complete list.  If your brain is expose to these elements you will have symptoms relating to the level of your exposure.  This would range from Memory Loss, OCD, Alzheimer, to Brain Cancer.  If your nervous system is bogged down by these elements and communication is cut from brain to your organs, your health will spiral into a chronic disease state or early death.  The brain will not be able to produce hormones, enzymes, and proteins it needs to sustain stability within itself and the body.  In essence, you will become a shadow of yourself, unexplained fits of anger, rage, and depression will replace your once cheerful personality.  Of course this is relative to the variable range of personalities we find in the general public, but the negative thoughts and feelings would be amplified upon exposure to these elements.  I call this chemical induced Negative Thought Amplification.

HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), and VTRPE, (variable terrain radio parabolic equation) are just the latest in frequency experimentation.   These Government controlled radio waves can alter biological DNA, Biochemistry, and more.  They operate at ELF (Extremely Low Frequencies) levels which happen to be the same level at which animals and humans operate on.  Scientific break through (Dr. Patrick Flanagan) in the ELF sciences have used these frequencies to beam sound directly into human brains.  Also Dr. Jose Delgado from Yale University, wrote a book called Physical Control of the Mind.  In his book he mentions how EFL type frequencies can trigger huge mood swings in human minds.  It is possible to induce an array of emotions using these frequencies in combination, ranging from happy to sad.  The brain naturally tries to mimic frequencies in the ELF range, if the frequencies are negative, then your body will respond with unexplained stress, tension, and illness.  Positive EFL frequencies would have a healing effect on the body.  If the wrong people had access to this technology they would have the base for making a real mind control device.  It could also be turned into a weapon to control a population, make them more passive, or induce disease and hysteria.  Since 2009 I have been battling a host of medical illnesses, and I have come to realize it has a lot to do with the current environment in relation to the Chemtrail spraying and programs like HAARP.  In the Chemtrail mix there are also sub-micron materials that have been identified as nano-tech, exotic toxins, and poly fibers that some how assembled with in the human body to form what is now known as Morgellons.  I believe the nano-tech part of Chemtrails is activated and controlled through the cell phone (microwave) net work that can switch them on or off.  Since around 2006 I have experienced a whole wide range of thoughts and feelings not normal to me.  These changes in thoughts and feelings were so subtle that my family nor I knew it was even happening.  But, one thing that I can say with out a doubt is that my mind had shifted negatively.  My mind had been Hijacked by negative outside thoughts and feelings.  So why do I believe this?  Three reasons; 1. Chemtrails are being sprayed in the sky almost daily and the HAARP program is still active  2. The technology exist now  3. Congress has passed laws that allow the military to experiment on the general public.

Through the experience from my recovery and experience from helping others a pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors has emerged:
  • unexplained fear variable in degree
  • unexplained anxiety variable in degree
  • unexplained depression variable in degree
  • unexplained agitation variable in degree
  • lower awareness and IQ
  • Memory loss
  • obsessive behavior
  • loss of Identity variable in degree
  • speech difficulty variable in degree
  • mental stupor
  • Increased egocentrism (self-centered)
  • self destructive behavior
  • self pity
  • need for control
  • paranoia (or social anxiety)
  • bipolar
I have notice since my illnesses, personally speaking, all of these thoughts, feelings, and behaviors have been amplified exponentially since around 2006, but mainly unexplained feelings of anxiety and fear ruled my mind.  With the aid of holistic modalities, herbal remedies, and the awareness of what is going on in my mind, I have lessen the chemtrail induced negative thoughts back to almost normal, with mild feelings of anxiety that still pop up from time to time.  I attribute this to poor kidney function.  But, there are many people out there unaware of this Negative Thought Amplification, which could induce psychosis on an unsuspecting person.  It is not normal for people to have these thoughts all the time, the mind has shifted to a collective negative state of being.  For people that need help right away I will suggest a few things that has helped me adjust:

  • Bach Rescue Remedies (this works on the energetic level)
  • Spiritual comfort (love)
  • Reiki (energy healing)
  • Detox your liver (find out how from other post on my blog)
  • Increase vitamins (like natural source of B, and C)
  • Take long walks or do a hobby that you enjoy
  • Organic juicing (beets, apples, carrots, pineapple)
  • Hot Bath with 1 cup of Epson salt and raise your core temperature to 99 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Use Adaptogens like Astragalus, Ginseng, Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng), and Suma at low doses for 90 days (check for side effects, check with doctor before taking)

Note;  I believe that Chemtrail mix somehow works with HAARP to amplify EFL pulsation in the human body.  On certain days I can feel the frequencies pulse and vibrate through my entire body while I lie still, also I can see the  frequency pulsation form ripples in the chemical clouds above.

My conclusion...  Any person who tries medical or alternative remedies to cure themselves would be, ultimately, a temporary fix.  You will need a remedy that can be repeated as necessary.  We must clean the air, water, soil and turn off these EFL frequencies if your desire is to return to 100%.  Your body can and will adapt if given a chance.  I am consistently amazed by each generation born with little to no effects from these environmental stresses we live in today.

Also, we have to realize that we are all on the same planet and we are related through the birth of the universe.  We need to shift our own thoughts from fear and hate to helping and loving each other as a whole and not as enemies.  Be responsible for your own actions and don't hide under the cover of I didn't know, or every one else is doing it, and I was just following orders.


find more healing information at

"If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it."  Genesis 4:7

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Bacillus Thuringiensis and GMO crops

Bacillus Thuringiensis, also know as BT  is a pesticide (bacteria) that kill their target insect by paralyzing the organisms digestive system, it can also entering the bloodstream and reproduce, causing the entire organism to be infected. BT was discovered in 1901 by a Japanese scientist named Shigetane Ishiwata and has been used as a pesticide since the 1950's.  In its natural form BT is non-toxic to humans, but it is not used that way anymore, instead of BT being sprayed onto crops it is now grown into crops.  Corn, Soy, Broccoli, Cabbage and more all have been alter in this way.  Genetically Modified crops are altered so that the BT is produce throughout the entire plant, so if an insect takes one bite it will die.  Good News?  The Reality of GMO's is, you or someone you know have digestive problems right now, it is not a theory, symptoms relating to partial paralysis of the digestive system and destruction of digestive cells.  Disease like IBS, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Gallbladder infection and stones, Non-Alcoholic fatty liver, and more, are at an all time high.  50 years ago it was rare that you heard of anyone having digestive disease, so what has changed since then?  Bacillus Thuringiensis has changed.  A new study found that BT can infect non-target Mammals, crystal toxins (protein spores crystals) that are produce in the BT's life cycle, are cytotoxic to Red Blood Cells and Bone Marrow Cells.  Now, with this in mind, ask yourself, how do you feel; and be honest, do you have Anemia, GI distress, blood disease like Leukemia, or just low energy.  If so ask your Doctor to check for a possible Bacillus Thuringiensis infection or crystal toxin build up.  Crystal toxins are hemolytic (kills red blood cells), and this disease builds over time and most symptoms go unnoticed until the crystal toxins are at high levels.  Note, there are different types of the Bacillus Thuringiensis species but they may induce the same type of symptoms like GI distress.  I have personally been personally dealing with GI distress for a few years, and relapse is common because of contamination of non-GMO plants.  My symptoms include;
  • dull aching pain left upper abdomen
  • alternating stools in color dark brown/black to light brown, diarrhea to constipation, round balls to long snake like large stools, and very foul smelling.
  • frontal headaches
  • blurred vision
  • lower back pain
  • muscle pain and cramps
  • temperature sensitive
  • swollen lymph glands
Just to name a few...

This is what I have done to lessen the symptoms;
  • buy organic produce by local farmers
  • juice fruits and vegetables
  • use herbs like, chanca piedra (smash crystals), yellow dock (clean and nourish blood), marshmallow (soothe and heal mucus membrane), mugwart (kill micro-organisms), psyllium, plantain, or ragweed (pull debris out of the body).
  • exercise, lots of sweating
  • drink plenty of purified water(neg ion or distilled)
  • use filter for shower
  • and dry brush my skin
It is easy after you get into a routine and once you start feeling better it is all worth it.

read more about BT

Find more information in my other website.

Monday, July 1, 2013

How to Clean your Liver and Lose Fat

I am here to offer advice on losing weight with the power of herbs.  The great thing about my method is that it works for just about anyone. Optimal liver function is the key for fat metabolism. There are certain herbs that been used for centuries that clean and rejuvenate liver cells, and turn the liver into a fat burning machine.
To achieve liver optimization we must first learn the layers of poor liver function and where it comes from.  Heavy metal, Infection, Poor Circulation are the 3 layers of poor liver function.  These elements combine to clog the liver and lower liver function.  The toxins come from a number of sources like;  Chemtrails, Nuclear Fallout, GMO foods.
If the liver is clog by toxic gunk and circulation is hindered, your bile cannot help your fat digesting enzymes do their job, which leads to undigested fat around your arms, belly, hips, and thighs, this is key for anyone who is over weight.  Long hours at the gym will help to take off weight if you can put in the time and stick with it, but the moment you slack off the weight will return.  Certain diets help also, but if you do not address the underline cause of weight gain, you are suck on that diet, forever.

These Herbs will help detox your liver and keep your weight under control
  • Milk Thistle - Tincture 10 drops in a little water 2 time a day
  • Dandelion - Tincture 50 drops in a little water 3 times a day
  • Astragalus - Tincture 50 drops in a little water 3 times a day
  • Marshmallow - Tincture 20 drops in a little water 3 times a day
  • Boldo - Tincture 20 drops in a little water of water 3 times a day

When taking these herbs be sure to use distilled or smart water to help flush out liver cells, also take a multi B vitamin for best results.  Mix the herbal tinctures in 1/2 cup of pure water then drink on empty stomach. Take tincture mix as directed above for 40 days with 7 day break and repeat as needed.  Do not take herbs if you are on medication.  If you start to have symptoms of dizziness, and nausea, these symptoms maybe related to detoxification of the body, if this happens just stop the herbs and drink plenty of water for a couple of days, then when feeling better restart the herbs. 

Things you can do to speed up weight loss while taking herbs.  Go on the Paleo Diet, juice your fruits and vegetables, drink home-made (green) apple juice, or organic apple cider vinegar, take Kelp pills, drink a lot of Coconut water and use Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, exercise for 15 minutes a day (like walking) and cut out all processed foods.

This is why these herbs will work for you.  Milk Thistle will clean and regenerate your liver cells, Dandelion detox the liver and fight infection, Astragalus is good for the red blood cells it clears up blockages and increase immunity, Marshmallow soothe and heal mucus membranes, also allow stools to move through the intestine quickly, Boldo acts as a diuretic, also it balances, strengthen, protects, and decongest the liver.  These herbs combined along with plenty of pure water will restore your liver function in time, and get your bile moving freely once again.  It is important to drink at least 1 litter of purified water per day, and if you use distilled water do not use for over 40 days, it may unbalance electrolytes.  DO NOT TAKE THESE HERBS IF YOU ARE PREGNANT, BREAST FEEDING, OR ON ANY MEDICATION
you can find these herbs at or
  • EXERCISE - You don't have to kill yourself to lose weight, just 30 minutes of walking will do it. Or what ever gets you moving and sweating, will burn calories, that's a fact.

  • HEALTHY DIET - The Paleo / Hunter Gather diet is the best diet for us,  Dr. Terry Whales explains how she was able to reverse a disabling disease like Multiple Sclerosis by using this diet along with some vitamin supplements.  watch her video here

Use these methods in combination to detox your liver and lose weight, and gain confidence, also live life to the fullest once more.  You can also detox the liver super fast using the Dr. Gerson therapy if you are very toxic just read the other articles on this page for more information.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Hidden Life Saving Therapy

In 1958 Dr. Max Gerson published his book, A Cancer Therapy: Results of 50 cases.  He documented 30 years of clinical experiments, and 50 case studies treating people with cancer and successfully healing them just with supplements, and two formulated juices.  The therapy employs rapid detoxification with coffee enemas and at the same time cellular nutrition, with special formulated vegetable and fruit juices.  The medical establishments do not give any merit to hard evidence that Dr. Gerson provides in his books or publications, and their reason is because his therapy can not be properly studied by their standard tests.  If you compare the two in treatment of cancer case by case you will find that Dr. Gerson's therapy has a 90% success rate and the medical establishment has about 30% success rate, and that number drops even lower if you take out people that survive only 5 years after radiation treatment.  Not only does Dr. Gerson's therapy heal certain types of cancer, but it also heal chronic illnesses like diabetes, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, arthritis, heart disease, auto-immune disease, and many others.  Dr. Gerson's base principle is to give the body a chance to heal itself.  He does this by removing the toxins and micro-organisms that keep the body from healing, and gives the body materials it needs to heal.  A simple but very powerful therapy.  So why have none of the mainstream Doctors in your city, state, or country tell you about this treatment, or even give you an alternative to radiation treatment?  We can only speculate why the Gerson therapy is not mentioned by your doctors, but I can reason why this information is not shared with the general public, and that's because it is a simple and powerful therapy, healing power in your hands, and no medical degree needed.

So, I challenge you to investigate for yourself and find out if this therapy is hype or right for you.

Click here for more information on Dr. Max Gerson Therapy

Friday, May 31, 2013

Aluminum Fluoride Compound effect in a living organism

In the air we breath are high levels of two very toxic elements to living organisms, Aluminum and Fluoride.  This compound has been linked in many studies to inhibit the ATP cycle in the mitochondria, when the ATP cycle is interrupted the organism energy is greatly diminished, because the ATP cycle is responsible for 90% of an organism output.  Cells that can not produce its own energy stagnates and dies.  Imagine that happening to millions of cells, dead cells clogging up organs and tissues, which leads to malfunction of all organs and tissues and a chronic state of disease. 

Dr. Terry Wahls has a answer for this problem, to learn more visit my other website, and watch her video.
Welcome to holistic living that works. Here you will find the latest information on holistic remedies that really work.  There are tons of herbal formulations, diets, and vitamins that claim to help, but do they? Our mission is to inform you of the latest health hazards and physical symptoms it may cause, also to sift through as many of the products and remedies we can to find the most effective, cheapest, and safest way for improving your health and relief of your symptoms.

In today's environment it's hard to stay above water healthwise, we have a lot of toxins to deal with, the fall out from Japanese Nuclear Reactor in 2011 
(Fukushima Daiichi), detectable Dioxin levels in water & food supply, (Genetically Modified Food), and (Chem Trails) in the air.  All these toxins put a heavy stress on the body and wear a person out to their maximum exhausting point.

Good thing our bodies can adapt with the right attitude, and holistic vision that will help us tap into the powerful healing properties of our body, all we have to do is give our body a little help.  We will guide you to what you can do to assist your body adjust to today's environment.  All the information that is provided is based on facts, researched form various news report and medical or government publication.

So lets start enjoying living disease free...